Thursday, May 3, 2012

“On the Couch” with (or do big white girls need love too?)

My usual procrastination techniques just aren’t cutting the mustard lately, so I decided to jazz things up a little. I decided to join Seemed like a nice enough bunch of chaps.

Being a bit of a fitness buff myself, I clicked my way over to the “Health and Fitness” section to see what I could find out about getting fit and harnessing/maximising my racial potential. After perusing a number of threads, (“Do ladies find braces unattractive?”, “Swastika Tattoo…What do I do now?”) I came across something that really ignited my interest. Someone has finally come out and said it! White guys are doing their race a disservice by only dating skinny women.

Forum member porsche911*, a fairly recent addition to the Stormfront community, gets things started with a story about her friend who had been unable to find a mate for some time owing to her “size”. This is of course highly problematic, because…

“Rejection by one's own race can induce psychological issues leading to the conclusion that it's better to be with someone of another race than with someone of one's own race…”

Which in turn, and I shouldn’t really have to join the dots for you, means that  “(it) is much more likely that some of these women will end up with non-White partners and have mixed-race children”. Which I think we can all agree would be a tragedy. I read on to learn that “even a single negative incident or experience can affect someone psychologically to the point where they might believe a non-White will have a better attitude towards them or be more accepting”, which of course couldn’t possibly be the case. The moral of the story is to “think before you speak and try to be mindful of what you say and the way you act towards your White brothers and sisters!” An admirable sentiment, to be sure.

A few fairly banal offerings from the forums goers follow. GBall argues that even if a white guy doesn’t like a white girl, he shouldn’t disrespect her, as this would only lead to race mixing. Touché. Further, gwalchgwyn88 chimes in that he in fact finds larger or “thick” women quite attractive; the mum from Grounded for Life is pretty hot, as is Sara Rue from the aptly named Less than Perfect. His conclusion is that “In this day and age, no woman should look like she cries herself to sleep at night because she goes to bed hungry”. Hardly controversial. An edit is required when gwalchgwyn88 is informed Sara Rue is a Jew, which really “bites”. The regret is palpable. I shudder to think of depths of the self-loathing this reflexively induced. Who’s going to sit with that guy at the Bürgerbräukeller?

Toomanyrequests1488 argues that there is no excuse for a woman to let herself go, but that it’s really O.K. because they will henceforth only date blacks, thus protecting the white gene pool from their “slovenly selves”. You know it makes sense. GBall retorts that while an overweight woman might not be your thing, you shouldn’t be disrespectful, because this will hinder the effort to win the hearts and minds of “our own people”. Mommygoosestep adds that toomanyrequests1488 is being rude, and that it is not her fault that many black men look at her, although this has encouraged her to start drinking diet soda.

Whitelion chimes in that “some fat girls date negroes because they have no/low self esteem.” Quite. Another contributor makes the excellent observation that the fashion industry is dominated by homosexuals, and thus we should be very skeptical of their ability to portray “the average heterosexual male's concept of feminine beauty”.

Drake01 pops up with his philosophy on dating, which boils down to (in his own words) “the first thing I do when I meet um is feed um.” They will evidently require “a lot of energy to be with (him)” and if she starts to complain about this rigorous diet he “starts planning (his) next date…without her, then call(s) her a cab (“Have another biscuit baby”).” Common sense lives here.

So there you have it people. In spite of what you have been led to believe by the liberal elite, the lamestream media, watermelons and hippies, white supremacists have feelings and internal conflicts too. 

*To ensure the integrity of the bloodline of this message, no names have been changed in the writing of this essay - usernames are as quoted.
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Twists, Turns and Academic Acrobatics in Free Speech Discourse: A well-meaning sophism?

 I here take issue with a chapter from the recent volume More or Less: Democracy and New Media, in which Bibhu Aggarwal takes on the Andrew Bolt controversy as a free speech issue in The Bolt Case: Silencing Speech or Promoting Tolerance? This chapter really riled me on first reading. It riled me because it is a perfect example of almost every reason that the way most people talk about “freedom of speech” is incoherent.

To begin with, you may or may not have noticed that the standard academic free speech argument follows a template something along the lines of…

Speech is an intrinsic part of human freedom. We protect speech for three main reasons. First, free speech is integral to democratic process; it can be used to hold people accountable and so on. Second, free speech is “an essential precondition of the search for truth”. An unrestricted “marketplace” of speech is conducive to progress towards truths we can rely on, and can test truth so they don’t become dead dogma. Thirdly, free speech promotes individual autonomous development, and because we are all equal in a democracy, one person’s autonomous development cannot come at the expense of another’s. [this one is made up but you can find plenty of these around the place, or in the present article discussed]

Then it will say - but, and there is always a but (or in this case a nevertheless…), free speech is not absolute, nor has or should it ever be (a point which I agree on but that is not relevant to the argument)…

Here is an example of a free speech “but” in the piece by Bibhu Aggarwal on the Andrew Bolt case;

“…nevertheless, we have on occasion sought to restrict the right to free speech. While a healthy democracy must accommodate debate and disagreement, it need not provide an open forum for hate, prejudice and lies. This is so for precisely the same reasons we value free speech. First, hate, prejudice and lies undermine the Australian commitment to democracy. It shifts the focus of political debate from the merits of an argument, to character assassination; and it excludes those who wish to participate by capriciously devaluing their contributions [why are these not debateable within the prerogatives of freedom of speech?]. Second, rather than assisting in the search for truth, the spread of hate, lies and prejudice often leads us to embrace falsehoods, at least for a short while. And finally, while one’s self fulfilment is important, we are all equal partners in our great democracy; one person’s autonomy cannot come at the expense of another’s. In short, at the heart of a healthy democracy is not simply a right to free speech, but also mutual respect and understanding among citizens.”

So he links freedom of speech to the very reasons “we” value free speech in the first place, which should immediately set alarm bells ringing because this debate has in one move become nothing to do with “freedom” and “speech” and everything to do with values. That is, all of a sudden we are talking actual politics, while acting a bit like we are talking about “freedom”. Who doesn’t like freedom right? The point is, if freedom of speech was anything it would be the freedom to hate, lie and be prejudiced, otherwise it would just be the freedom to be nice to each other, which is not freedom, it is Play School.

Free speech here in Aggarwal’s chapter (and in fact, anywhere you find it) is in no way a stand-alone value. It is linked, inescapably, to a whole host of other political commitments. There is no such thing as a standalone “free speech” argument, unless you are a free speech anarchist, which almost no-one is (they tend to fail the “advertising cigarettes to children” or “condoning computer generated child pornography” test, although you shouldn’t laugh too hard at the later as this is exactly the test that the US Supreme Court failed in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition). Aggarwal here links “free speech” to some fairly typical things like democratic process, the search for truth, and self-fulfilment. So what if I don’t like those values? Am I against free speech? But surely the relative value of democracy, truth, and self-fulfilment are self-evident, are beyond doubt? Well…no, and that is exactly what “freedom” of speech at its core is about safeguarding; the holding of “known truths” as dead dogma. What most people don’t realise is that is exactly what they are doing when they talk about free speech in this way – free speech is good, but you can’t question democracy, self-fulfilment, or the search for truth. What is ostensibly an argument about freedom of speech is really an argument about other values that inform a commitment to a certain type of freedom, not an instinctive marriage of the terms “freedom” and “speech”

The other problem here is that it is not at all clear that “freedom” of speech actually leads to the things that it is regularly claimed to. Is freedom of speech integral to democracy? Well, that depends on how you conceive of democracy. If you conceive of it the way the Australian High Court does, you only come up with a very narrow interpretation of the amount of free speech necessary for democracy to function. The link of free speech and democracy could also generate a majority right to ban or censor certain speech, given that this was done along the lines of democratic process. Does free speech actually lead to “more” truth? Well, no. At best free speech leads to truth in polite academic seminars, but even there there are certain rules of engagement, certain baseline conditions of deliberation that must be upheld by participants such that a fruitful discussion can take place. In the courtroom, where finding the truth is the paramount aim, speech is highly restricted. The probability of “free” speech leading to truth is thus highly context dependent. More speech does not necessarily lead to more truth.

Aggarwal’s most disappointing move comes when he leans on Mill’s argument from infallibility and then we watch it dissolve before our very eyes two pages later when he decides that he doesn’t like something. This is because, like all well meaning people, he is oblivious to the fact that Mill was talking about him as well, here in the present, not just everyone he doesn’t like who don’t have his window into the infinite truth of the universe (your Andrew Bolts, James Keegstras and so on). This is a problem faced by all liberals that seek to lean on the Millian tradition for support but then want proscribe something that falls short of the “positive instigation to some mischievous act” that Mill posited as the legitimate limit of freedom of speech.

Here is the move in detail.

First of all, in the section entitled “Free Speech and the Search for Truth”, Arrgarwal outlines;

We can never be certain that the opinion we are trying to suppress is false. There is a real risk that by silencing speech we are depriving ourselves of some truth; a risk that far outweighs the possibility that lies, hate and prejudice catch on…Freedom of speech is important because any attempt to suppress speech may be profoundly misguided; what is acceptable as indisputable today may well be proved wrong tomorrow. The best we can hope for is that free and open debate will eventually expose fallacies of fact for what they are (p. 249-50).

OK – this is the Millian argument that we shouldn’t censor speech because human beings are fallible and they might be wrong (I don’t think this is a convincing argument - and if it is it is completely paralysing for political action in general - but this is the argument he has used so I will hold him to it). However, in the very next section, entitled “Placing Limits on Freedom of Speech”, he states;

Sometimes we must place limits on freedom of speech, and this is so for precisely the same reasons we value freedom of speech.

OK – so freedom of speech can’t be absolute, for we are not anarchists. But further, under the heading “Journalistic Standards for Truth” (and I kid you not that it says this not two pages after he has cited a derivative of Mill’s infallibility argument);

(h)owever, where we are certain that a statement is wrong, its wide dissemination does little to further our quest for truth, and may even obstruct it.

Get it? I will cite the argument from infallibility long enough to make you think I actually believe it, but then I will discard it at the first opportunity because they obviously didn’t know what they were doing when they locked Galileo up but I know what I am doing now.

Another problem Arrgarwal faces is that he has no way (nor do I think there is a way) to decide which side of the autonomy question is most worthy, so he just picks the one he likes. “What critics of the Bolt decision have failed to explain is why Andrew Bolt’s personal autonomy should be allowed to trump that of the individuals in his articles” (p. 253). And what he has failed to explain is why their autonomy trumps his – here autonomy arises on both sides of the question and is thus for me highly problematic.

Before you go jumping up and down about me being a closet Andrew Bolt fan, my point is not at all that Arrgarwal doesn’t have a just cause, or that I’m criticising him for pushing a partisan agenda (what else would you push in politics?) – I just think it takes a whole lot of pointless intellectual gymnastics to make it look anything like “freedom of speech” – why not just take a position and defend it like the position it is? It would be faster, and a lot more honest. Arrgarwal does have a point - Andrew Bolt is of little or no redeeming social value - it’s just that he doesn’t have a free speech point. My point is that this kind of free speech argument is  incoherent and unnecessarily convoluted, and thus does his substantive agenda a disservice. From the outside, this just looks like a case of "like something, call it free speech. Don’t like it, claim that “sometimes we must place limits on freedom of speech, and this is so for precisely the same reasons we value freedom of speech”" (p. 251). This will, of course, look ridiculous and counter-intuitive to most people, who surprisingly associate freedom of speech with the freedom to say what you like. Right or wrong, you will have a hard time explaining your position to people in the vocabulary of “freedom of speech”, unless they are completely blown away by such technical terms as “argument from truth” or “autonomy as self-fulfilment”, or an appeal to a past Canadian court decision or a racial discrimination statute like they were signed sealed and delivered straight from the “self-evident truth” zone.

And who is this “we” Arrgarwal constantly speaks of? It is, unfortunately, a group of people who already agree with him or they wouldn’t have read past page one. If “we” were in precise agreement regarding the reasons we value freedom of speech, then there would be no controversy to speak to. The Aggarwals and the Bolts of this world would be holding hands already. You are not going to convince anyone that does not already agree with you with this argument - if you haven't already previously or intuitively reached the conclusion that Andrew Bolt = BAD. 

As it happens, there is not only likely to be debate and disagreement regarding why we value freedom of speech, but even if we could agree on that there should be dispute about exactly what these values mean, a dispute that freedom of speech itself is historically meant to facilitate. Additionally, if you lean too hard on “we” you are just positing an understanding of consensus as truth (“we” are all agreed and so it is thus), something else free speech is explicitly supposed to guard against (“if all mankind minus one…”). The problem with his thinking here is one that is common to free speech theory, and in fact common to political discourse in general; they locked up Gallileo, what were they thinking? They were wrong then because they didn’t realise they were fallible, but we would never make that mistake...
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Time to "get mad" with Cory Bernardi and friends

I was recently perusing my favourite conservative blog and stopped a minute to comment on Cory’s idea of “getting mad”. I have since met a lot of great people and now have some excellent new friends - people that really appreciate common sense. Here are a couple of testimonials from my new friends. Unfortunately I seem to be unable to get anything else posted on the site in reply, so I haven't been able to tell these people just how much I appreciate their encouragement. With their blessing I will use these comments for a shiny new bio.

The Philosopher said in reply to Marshall King...

Marshall King is clearly an ill educated left wing stooge who with little understanding of the isues (sic).

Back to red square comrade. You will be swept away by the tide of real Australians waiting to vote Gillard and the Greens into oblivion.

We are as mad as hell, we have seen our values destroyed our country handed over to minority groups and lunatics like you.

The only place that your Neo Marxism is to be heard is in the Arts faculties of Universities and the chattering salons of inner city elites. The people of Australia are waiting with chainsaws for you left wing Loons and watermellons.


David said...

Ok Marshall moron! So what is agenda 21? And do you actually know what policies are being made active? 5% unemployment? Saiz (sic) who? The government that counts employment as anyone who works at least 1 hour a week....pff or what about the amount of jobs that are on offer? Or what about the mining tax, which is suppose to pay for an increase in super but the 3 biggest miners wont pay, so the burden of the increase in super will actually fall on small and medium size business, who in turn will employ less because the cost of employment has become too high. Go and get some reall (sic) facts Marshall and get off your left winged propaganda delusional soap box!

Don Woods said...

I too have found Marshall King's comment extraordinary.

An issue mentioned by Cory is the word MULTICULTURAL This country is MULTIRACIAL, no doubt, but we have an AUSTRALIAN CULTURE that is peculiar to Australia and should be promoted as such If someone wants the culture of some other country then they should go to that country - not try to change Australia's unique culture.When in Rome do as the Romans do.
Multiracial Yes
Multicultural NO

I hope to hear from you all again soon!

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Bart Csorba on the "Occupy" movement

It appears that the media and those of the mainstream are having some difficulty in understanding the 'Occupy Movement'. Here's what I think.
The key to understanding the movement is in the idea of the occupation of space. The Occupiers are primarily claiming that they represent the ‘99%’ of the population who are not millionaires, captains of industry, masters of finance, or political insiders. The Occupiers argue that the sovereignty of the state and its associated political space, which their citizenship fills and legitimises, and the economic space, which their labor empowers, have been corrupted, occupied, and co-opted by another opposing amorphous group who they call the '1%'.
The Occupiers posit that the '1%' have corrupted the political space, in which the both the 1%’ and the '99%' are supposed to be able to voice their concerns and find agency, through economic and financial manipulation. In essence, the ‘1%’, the mega-wealthy, captains of industry, and masters of finance have colonised, like an occupying imperial power, the political space through which the ‘99%’ are, according to the principles of liberalism and democracy, supposed to be able to manifest their power and hold the powerful few to account.
The ‘Occupiers’ argue that the political agency, of the ’99%’ is being oppressed by the economic and financial might of the ‘1%’. In a protest against this (and perhaps in an effort to exercise some real agency) the ‘Occupiers’ (specifically those on Wall Street) are attempting to occupy public spaces as a metaphorical and physical challenge to the occupation of their political space by the ‘1%’.
Simply put, the ‘Occupiers’ are proposing a reconsideration of the principles of democracy and a reinvigoration of political space. This is why, when the media does attempt to broach the topic of ‘what the Occupiers are demanding’, it is difficult to distill their motives. Many different groups are represented, as they should be, and what they collectively ‘want’ (in tangible terms) is varied and sometimes contradictory. However, what they ‘want’ may be different to the overall objective of the ‘Occupy Movement’.
This movement is trying to address first-order problems that have begun to erode our beloved democracy and much reified liberalism: who empowers the power of the state? Is it the citizenry whose very lives legitimise its power and drive its economy? Or, is it the ‘1%’ that truly command the political and economic spaces of our increasingly interconnected world and its systems? Perhaps, more provocatively, the Occupiers are asking an important question: Why has it come down to a pseudo-class war between ill-defined groupings - the ’99%’ versus the “1%’ - when the development of modern democracy was supposed to result in a system which represented of the ‘100%’? Maybe, one could argue that the ‘Occupy Movement’ is a collective effort to redress an imbalance which privileges the ‘1%‘, their opinions and influence, over those of the ’99%’.
That’s what I’ve been thinking. Thanks for reading.
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Thursday, August 18, 2011

(Another) London Riots Article – Read now for a free 20% upgrade on righteous indignation and moral outrage!

~ The cry of “no excuses” and individual responsibility only gets you so far ~ The authoritarian underpinnings of liberal society is swiftly revealed – we will not hesitate to lock up children ~ “Pure criminality” and the reactive de-historicization of civil unrest ~ Not excuses but choices – to acknowledge or ignore signs of the systematic failure of liberal governance (moralising while the ship goes down) ~ If you want to preside over inequality, you better start building walls (and why it doesn’t matter that “these people are relatively wealthy”) ~ Why both “sides” are missing the point ~

In order to add to the logjam of self-important high-horse riding and political posturing regarding the London riots, I here attempt a response.

Firstly, it is illuminating just how swiftly the authoritarian underpinnings of nominally liberal polities are revealed. While we are accustomed to the perpetual criticism by Western powers of the human rights records of China, Russia et al., it takes only four nights of civil unrest in the United Kingdom’s capital to spur large scale advocacy of increased security, the detention and prosecution of children, the training of all police in anti-riot techniques, the deployment of water cannons and rubber bullets, the general disparagement of human rights instruments such as the
Human Rights Act 1998 (UK) as nothing more than a pesky, “phoney” constraint on authorities. The idea of popularly elected police chiefs has also been floated, presumably running every few years on an ad infinitum platform of strict law and order. While I have never been a huge fan of human rights discourse - which is observably much more of a rhetorical instrument than a concrete and enforceable constraint on the actions of states - the ease with which this “liberal-democratic” state seemed to slip on the authoritarian boot is almost embarrassing, even for this collection of known hypocrites.

Related to, and accentuating the “law and order” effort, is the reactive de-historicization of the civil unrest. A 12th grade history student can tell you that violence has causes. Every undergrad politics or history student writes at least one paper that starts “The causes of the French Revolution/The Cold War/The Cronulla Riots were...a complex mix of social, political and economic factors and so on. The value of writing such a paper is probably close to zero, but it is even less so now that no-one wants to hear about “macro” causes, because the explanation is usually limited to “this has been caused by moral decay, parents not smacking their children, wives being able to leave their abusive husbands because of the welfare safety net, white people becoming “black,” teachers not standing up to children and so on. Talking about large scale, systematic causes of things is not about making excuses, or being an “apologist” (although some limp-wristed drivelling from the left hasn’t helped the cause of those seeking to promote a more nuanced and complex analysis of the situation). It is about acting like you are older than ten, where someone was either your best friend or your worst enemy, and everything was the fault of some identifiable group of goodies or baddies. This is a worrying echo of previous failures in the decade post-9/11 to promote anything deeper that a “with us or against us” discourse regarding terrorism. Individual responsibility and underlying social causes are not mutually exclusive propositions. It must be acknowledged that it is far more plausible that there were at least some underlying causes that don’t have their genesis in the individual, rather than attempting to maintain the thesis that thousands of young people in London and around the country randomly and out of nowhere simply flew off the chain and went window shopping because their parents hadn’t locked them in to watch Junior Masterchef that night.

So my answer to the argument against “excuses” is this. You can either acknowledge that human beings don’t live in a vacuum, that social, historical and economic factors are to an extent the determinants of behaviour, and act to do something about it. Alternately, you can stand around moralising and crying “individual responsibility” while the ship goes down. Calls for law and order will only get you so far because the causes of unrest remain, and may even accentuate the underlying causes of violence. You will only need to build more walls, deploy more water cannons, more rubber bullets, give police more power and so on. While the discourse of personal responsibility is in many ways paradigmatic of rule-of-law liberalism (for without it there could be no punishment and hence no force of law), it is more than apparent in late capitalist societies such as England that:

1. The doctrine of individual responsibility is not evenly applied, and tends to focus on petty visible crime and violence, rather than large-scale systematic violence of the economic variety and,
2. People actually understand this (whether consciously or not), and it is a major source of unrest, and will eventually undermine the stability that “law and order” types crave - conservative and liberal alike.

There is also a perpetual double-standard regarding violence in liberal democracies, in that violence associated with maintaining the status quo is written off as “rogue” elements of what is overall considered a “just” cause or association (think Abu Ghraib, phone hacking, poor lending and investing practices), whereas legitimate protest that involves some rogue elements is conveniently all tarred with the same brush (London student protests, riots and so on). Politicians accordingly throw out a variation of the “we will not negotiate/be held to ransom by terrorists/anarchists” rhetoric, and hencforth the message of the protest is excluded from the public sphere on grounds of unreasonableness - the show goes on. Again, people are not stupid, they understand or sense this and they are not happy about it.

A lot has been made regarding the fact that these events cannot be political because none of the participants articulated a political program i.e. it was simply a spontaneous outburst of violence (and shopping) that has no meaning outside of the viciousness and criminality of the participants; “pure criminality” as has become the catchphrase. In addition to the above paragraph I have two points to make regarding this. Firstly, this is actually not the case – there were political protests in the weeks and months leading up to the riots, none of which gained much attention, and the riots started as an angered yet peaceful enquiry regarding the shooting of a young man by London police in Tottenham. Secondly, even if this was the case, it borders on the ridiculous to complain that a section of the population so uneducated and demonstrably excluded from the successes of English commercial society is in fact also excluded from the sphere of politics because they cannot articulate themselves in a manner befitting the reasoned and rational discourse of modern elites. Just because someone says, or does not say, that their actions are political, does not mean it is, or isn’t, the case. This would be like saying that Guernica wasn’t political because Picasso said it wasn’t.

A word on the rhetoric of entitlement that has observably permeated much of the post-London riot discourse, at least from elite circles (and yes I mean Labour as well). It is well known that how much money you earn is predominantly dictated by factors completely exogenous to your personal decisions in life; things such as how smart your parents were, how good looking your parents were, how wealthy your parents were, and so on. Unless you can claim to have chosen your parents, none of this was the result of your individual grit or enterprise. The idea that someone who is not successful is simply reaping the consequences of their own lack of individual initiative and enterprise is for my mind ideology at its purest. We didn’t all go to Eton, David, and we weren’t all members of the Bullingdon Club (that are evidently set apart from petty criminals by the fact their parents can afford to pay for the restaurants they trash), Boris.

With regard to the “underlying causes” of this unrest so liberally bandied about, I will only make one major point which I believe has been seriously overlooked in the mainstream debate. It is a point on which (although the left occasionally bemoans a lack of upward mobility) the left and right are seemingly in agreement; that “these people” are, historically speaking, relatively well off. They are fed, provided with housing, and so on. The argument follows that in spite of high unemployment, low levels of education and literacy, and minimal social services, they should to an extent be “content.” I unreservedly accept that this is in fact the case - they are historically well off for those people lucky enough to be born into the “underclass” towards the end of last century - but that this formulation of the problem completely misses the point. It misses the point because it willfully refuses to acknowledge a problem of commercial society that was identified at its genesis by its philosophical founders; that commercial society, in seeking to harness the potentially destructive human passions, is not driven by the satisfaction of material needs (to be fed, clothed etc) but by invidious comparison and envy. That is, not just to have enough for yourself, but to have the same or more than the other. With the attainment of such material heights comes the recognition which for many political philosophers (Hegel for instance) has been the key driver of human history. This is the source of capitalism’s dynamism and the perpetual growth imperative - “for the wants of the mind are infinite.” It provides incentivisation - to work, to create, to innovate, to invest and accrue wealth - but is also a potential source of instability.

Envy and the promotion of conspicuous consumption are seemingly fine as long as the rhetoric of meritocracy and upward mobility appear credible; if I study, work hard, and save my money I too one day can have those things that I so desire. It is observable that the rhetoric of the “American Dream” (that anyone can get rich and be successful because the United States (US) is the land of opportunity), for instance, is a huge source of social cohesion in the US, and this holds even in times of recession and economic uncertainty. The problem is when the nexus between meritocracy and envy (channelled productively as aspiration) is broken – you come to something of a road block where there is nowhere for the human passion of envy to channel itself. As soon as these kids are old enough to realise they are not going to grow up and marry Kim Kardashian, drive a Bentley and drink Loius Roederer no matter how hard they work, and seemingly have nowhere to even channel their dissatisfaction productively, we have a problem. From this we might deduce that it is really not enough to say that people’s material needs are satisfied; we need to look much more closely at the dynamics of commercial society for answers to these questions.

It is also here that we realise that for all their rhetoric against big government and social welfare dependency, the right (including the so called Labour Party) have actually misunderstood its ultimate purpose. Its ultimate purpose is to keep the “losers” of capitalism (i.e. those on the wrong side of the greatest income inequality in Britain in 50 years) placated while the machine roars ahead into the never-never. So while they think they are simply taking away another barrier to “waste and inefficiency,” in the spirit of free markets and economic rationalism, they are actually pulling the rug out from the only thing that is keeping the lid on total chaos, and standing around shouting “individual responsibility” into the abyss. Good luck with that.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Noam Chomsky at the University of Cologne

Just thought I would re-post this quite extensive recent talk by probably the most persistent and determined critic of US imperialism over the last 50 years. Whether you agree with him or not he is absolutely relentless. Not a lot of new material in this one, but nevertheless a little preview for those Adelaideans that will be coming along to the Edward Said Memorial Lecture on November 5th.

Thanks goes to Mosquito Cloud for putting me on to this footage - they have plenty of other great stuff to check out there including some vintage Slavoj Zizek party tricks if that's what you're into.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Not happy Julia? Flood victims 'lash out' over Labor tax grab.

Just couldn't let this one go today.

Rosanne Barrett, under the headline "Not happy, Julia Gillard - we've done our bit," writes in today's Australian that front page pictured Samantha Gregg "doesn't begrudge her neighbours in flood-hit New Farm more help - it's just that she believes she did her bit before the government came along and put its hand in her pocket."

It turns out by paragraph two that she is prepared to pay the tax but is not "happy" about it.

By paragraph four it is belatedly revealed that Ms Gregg will not even have to pay the levy, because she earns under $50,000 as an administration worker. Her partner, who earns more as an electrician, may have to pay but is "O.K." with it given that it is only a one off.

As we move along, we are told that Oxlade Drive mother of one Gabrielle Edwards, another flood victim, is in fact so unimpressed with the levy that she is going to pay it regardless of the fact that she could get an exemption (because she qualifies for flood relief assistance). She argues that she doesn't "think we can do enough for people who were affected. If taxes pay for people who were affected by this flood then I'm glad to be part of this society."

Mrs Edwards sounds positively incensed that we live in this kind of society.

Jan Carol, who lives on the riverfront, concurs with Mrs Edwards, having "not even considered applying for the payment," and further to that "did not mind contributing to the tax."


Student Waylon Palmer adds his voice to the growing chorus of dissent, stating that he agrees with the levy in order to get disaster areas back in business as soon as possible.

Although statistically wanting (there are none), a pretty positive snap-survey of opinion I would offer. Not that you would know that reading the headline. While I am personally skeptical regarding the levy, as are most Australians according to the FR, that doesn't change the fact that Barrett's headline brazenly disregards even the meager anecdotal evidence offered in her own article.

I read a while back that 44% of Google News readers read only headlines. Let's hope readers of 'The Oz' are a little more curious than that.
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